Monday, 17 February 2014

The "Liebster Award"

Hey lovelies! Today I had the wonderful surprise of being nominated for a "Liebster Award" by Jen from Blush and Fuss! I love fellow Redditor Bloggers so I was really excited when I found out someone actually knew my blog existed. Haha!
"For those of you wondering what the Liebster Award is, its essentially an award given within our network of blogs in recognition of new and rising bloggers. The Liebster Award (‘Liebster’ meaning friend in German) also acts as a great way to improve networking and to make some friends within the beauty blogging community. In order to accept and carry on the award you must:
1. You must link back to the person who nominated you.
2. You must answer the 11 questions given by the person who nominated you.
3. You pick 11 nominees with under 200 followers (approximately) to answer your questions.
4. You cannot nominate the person who nominated you.
5. You must tell the nominees that they have been nominated by you."

I actually don't think I know 11 beauty bloggers with less than 200 followers but I will do my best! That said,  here are the question's Jen is having me answer.

1) When did you first start wearing makeup?
I've been wearing makeup as long as I can remember! I grew up as a dancer which meant big crazy stage makeup. I was 13 though when I started wearing makeup out of the house and 17 when I got really into it.

2) How did you choose your blog name?
I chose Cat Lady Cosmetics because I'm pretty known for my crazy cat love. I love these things so much I started a subreddit called Cats & Cosmetics with some of my closest friends. <3

3) Any pets?
If you didn't guess cats, ... I don't know. You might be clueless. I have two cats named Phileas Fogg and Amelia Earhart. They are adorable.

4) What is your favorite product?
Ever? Of all time?! I don't think I have just one. I guess Kryolan Aquacolor in Black because I buy it all the time. I just prefer it over any other kind of liner.

5) What is your skincare routine?
Right now it's all Lush! I work for them so that makes sense. At night I use Ultrabland Facial Cleanser, Eau Roma Toner Water, and Celestial Facial Moisturizer. In the morning I use Let the Good Times Roll Facial Cleanser (3 times a week), Eau Roma Toner Water, Enchanted Eye Cream, and Gorgeous Facial Moisturizer. Before Lush, I used all Dermalogica.

6) What would you buy with $500 just for makeup?
First I would buy me some foundation. A fancy one for myself and some for my kit - ideally Tarte Amazonian Clay. I would make a couple 15 pan MAC palettes - one for brights and one for neutrals. And I don't know. I actively avoid looking at things I can't afford.

7) What are your other hobbies aside from makeup?
Baking, Cooking, Reading, Dancing, Redditing, Playing Gears of War with my boyfriend.

8) Favorite kind of candy?
Pretty much any sour candies - especially the little pop bottles!

9) What style of makeup do you feel most confident in?
A neutral, shimmery eye and bright lip.

10) Where is your dream honeymoon?
 I've honestly never thought about it. I'm not very good at girly stuff like that.

11) What goal would you like to have accomplished by the end of the year?
For this blog? I'd like to be more active on it and I would love to get the word out about it more! For life in general? I like to keep those things to myself.

NOW. Here are the bloggers I'm nominating.

1. Erika from The Palette Persuasions
2. Crystal from Always Feeling Pretty
3. Bobbie from All About Bobbie
4. Camille from The Boston Belle
5. Sarah from Mrs. Draper's Stories who isn't a beauty blogger but is nominated anyway because she's a doll and writes about Real Life!

And the 11 questions I am asking YOU:
1. Who or what inspires your personal style?
2. What made you decide to start blogging?
3. What is your number one go to makeup item?
4. Do you have any siblings? If so, did they influence your style growing up?
5. What celebrity do you think has impeccable taste?
6. Tell me about one beauty product that so many people love but you absolutely despise.
7. What are your favourite blogs to read?
8. Is there something about you that everyone always assumes but is totally wrong?
9. If you could have one super power what would it be?
10. What makeup would you wear if you were going to a big fancy formal event? Like think Cinderella ball. Also, what dress would you wear?
11. What is your favourite food?

Sunday, 16 February 2014

Clown #2

KELSEY I AM THE WORST! I promised you I'd have this up for you in a week like a month ago.

This is the second of my easy clown makeups for my moms dancers. Kelsey is the girl who asked me to design them.

Here is clown makeup number two.

 1. Start with a naked face!

 2.Put on a white or super pale foundation! Clowns are white. RIGHT?

 3. Put a weird black stripe on your face. This will be a contour.

 4. Blend it out a bit. Not too much. You don't want it to look pretty and natural because you're a creepy clown from far away.

 5. See? From the front it isn't so bad. My round little face doesn't ever really up close but from far away it will.

 6. Put purple eyeshadow up to your crease. (My mom has one!)

 7. Put black in the crease and way up above, almost to your brows. Blend it out. Also put it in your inner eye.

 8. Put some of the purple under eyes. It's supposed to look gross and tired.

 9. And some black eyeshadow under the purple!

 10. Line your upperlash line and both waterlines with a black pencil. Also put mascara on. I didn't. Derp.

 11. Draw an eyebrow shape on with your black pencil.  It would look more evil with a sharper shape.

 12. Fill those sexy beasts in.

 13. Raise your brows as high as you can and draw in black emotion lines. I don't really know how to explain this but my mom can show you! Also fill your lips in black. Make a frowny face and draw lines following that as well. Really, DO NOT WORRY about this looking pretty and clean. You're on a stage. No one is this close to your face.

Good luck at all your competitions this year Kelsey. <3